Coming Out to Your Kids as Trans: A Guide for Parents

A guide for trans parents on how to talk to their kids about their gender identity and transition, fostering understanding and love.

November 9, 2023
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Embarking on a journey of gender transition can be one of the most personal and profound decisions a person can make. We honor your bravery and authenticity if you are taking this step! And we hold all the space and time for you, if it’s something you’re still exploring or not yet ready for. For those of us who are parents, this journey includes not only our own transformation but also guiding our children through the changes. 

Communicating your transition to your children asks for care, honesty, and above all, love. This article aims to be a helpful guide for trans parents preparing for one of the most significant conversations of your life. You are not just coming out; you are inviting your children into a fuller understanding of your true self, fostering an environment of openness and authenticity within your family. What a lesson you are setting! You’ve got this, we are here for you. 

Understanding Kids' Perspectives - How Children Perceive Gender at Different Ages

Children have a remarkable capacity for understanding and acceptance, though their comprehension of gender evolves with age. Your little ones may not get all the intricacies of gender identity, but they sure understand the idea of feeling happy in one’s skin. As they grow, kids start to notice more about the world around them, including gender norms. They can surprise you, though, with their ability to embrace stories that don't fit neatly into society's boxes—especially when those stories are told with trust and warmth. Teenagers, grappling with their own identities, may need a different approach that respects their maturity and encourages open dialogue.

Starting the Conversation

There’s no one-size-fits-all script for talking to your children about your transition, but starting with basic concepts can help. For younger children, simple and clear explanations about feelings and identity, possibly framed around the idea of being happy and true to oneself, can be very effective. With older children, you can share more of your personal journey and struggle, as this can foster deeper understanding and empathy.

When it's time to sit down with your children and open up about your transition, consider the following steps to guide the conversation:

  • Set the Stage: Choose a comfortable, private space where you won't be interrupted. A familiar setting can help everyone feel more at ease.
  • Use Age-Appropriate Language: Tailor your language to suit your child’s level of understanding. Simple terms for younger children and more in-depth explanations for older ones can help them grasp what you're sharing.
  • Be the First to Speak: Starting the conversation yourself can set a tone of leadership and reassurance for your children.
  • Share Your Feelings: Let them know how you feel about your identity and the changes you're going through. It can be helpful to express the positives, like feeling more at ease with yourself.
  • Invite Their Feelings: Encourage your kids to share their thoughts and emotions. Validate their feelings, whether they're feelings of confusion, acceptance, or even resistance.
  • Reassure Them: Affirm that your love for them doesn't change with your transition. The parent-child relationship remains constant and secure.

Addressing their Questions and Concerns

Children are naturally curious, and their questions can range from the innocent to the profound. They might ask about what your transition means for their daily life, whether it will change their relationship with you, or how they should address you. They may also worry about social acceptance and what their friends or teachers might say. It’s important to answer these questions as honestly as possible, while also reassuring them that your love as their parent remains constant.

As you navigate this tender territory, be ready to tackle a variety of questions and concerns from your children:

Common Questions:

  • "Will you still be my [mom/dad/parent]?"
  • "What should I call you now?"
  • "Are you going to look different?"
  • "Will other people treat us differently?"
  • "What does being trans mean?"

Concerns They May Have:

  • Worries about what friends or family will say.
  • Anxiety about changes in family dynamics.
  • Fear of bullying or social stigma.
  • Uncertainty about what your transition means for the future.

How to Address Them:

  • Answer Honestly but Gently: Provide truthful answers at a level they can understand, without overwhelming them with details.
  • Focus on Consistency: Emphasize that many things will not change, especially your love and care for them.
  • Be Open About Changes: Acknowledge and explain the changes that will occur, whether they're in name, appearance, or pronouns.
  • Encourage Empathy: Teach them about diversity and acceptance, and how everyone’s uniqueness is to be celebrated.
  • Plan for Follow-Up: Let them know this is just the beginning of an ongoing conversation, and they can always come to you with more questions.

The Importance of Continuous Conversation

Coming out as trans to your children is not a one-time event but a continuous conversation. Children's understanding and questions will evolve over time, and ongoing dialogue will reinforce that you are open to their questions and feelings. It also allows you to gradually provide them with more information as they grow and their capacity to understand deepens.

Getting Support for Your Journey

This path is not meant to be walked alone. Seeking support from partners, family members, friends, therapists, and support groups can provide you with a network to share your experiences and get advice. Professional guidance from those experienced in LGBTQ+ family dynamics can be particularly helpful.

Utilizing resources can greatly ease the process for both you and your children. Organizations like the Family Acceptance Project and Gender Spectrum provide invaluable information and support. Educational materials specifically tailored for children, like "She's My Dad!" or "My Maddy," can help normalize the conversation about gender diversity and transition.


  • Family Acceptance Project: Provides family support resources for LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Gender Spectrum: Offers an array of resources focused on gender-inclusive environments for all children and teens.

Educational Tools:

  • Websites with FAQs: Pages like PFLAG’s "Our Trans Loved Ones" provide answers to common questions children might ask.
  • Support Groups: Both online and in-person groups where you can share experiences and get advice from other parents who’ve had similar conversations.

Professional Help:

  • Therapists: Seek professionals with experience in gender identity to support both you and your children through this process.
  • Educational Workshops: Workshops can provide you and your children with knowledge and coping strategies for the changes ahead.

By preparing yourself with these tools, you're not just starting a conversation; you're nurturing a dialogue that will grow and evolve as your family does, strengthening the bond you share through openness and shared understanding.

Recommended Reads

Books and materials can act as conversation starters or provide solace and inspiration.

Here are some books you and your kids might want to check out:


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