We go above and beyond the others

Other telehealth companies
🌈 Dedicated to serving the LGBQTIA+ community
No guarantee of affirming providers, or may only serve some of our community
🙌 Health care in all 50 states
Not available in every state
🪩 National insurance coverage
in all 50 states
No insurance coverage or insurance only in select states
💖 Community support included through the FOLX Community Platform
No community platform for interaction
or connection
👯 See us for more than just one thing; get holistic management of your health care
May only provide one type of care
👏 Flat monthly (or yearly at a discount) membership fee plus pay
for care only when you need it
Higher monthly membership fee that results in a higher overall cost for the year
👀 Extensive vetted referral network nationwide for specialists and
in-person care
May not provide referrals to affirming clinicians or have vetted providers

We go above and beyond the others

Other telehealth companies
🌈 Dedicated to serving the LGBQTIA+ community
No guarantee of affirming providers, or may only serve some of our community
🙌 Health care in all 50 states
Not available in every state
🪩 National insurance coverage
in all 50 states
No insurance coverage or insurance only in select states
💖 Community support included through the FOLX Community Platform
No community platform for interaction
or connection
👯 See us for more than just one thing; get holistic management of your health care
May only provide one type of care
👏 Flat monthly (or yearly at a discount) membership fee plus pay
for care only when you need it
Higher monthly membership fee that results in a higher overall cost for the year
👀 Extensive vetted referral network nationwide for specialists and
in-person care
May not provide referrals to affirming clinicians or have vetted providers

How pricing works



First visit




10 day free trial

Concierge Care Team Access

Visits Within a Few Days

FOLX Community Platform

Referral Network



First visit




10 day free trial

Concierge Care Team Access

Visits Within a Few Days

FOLX Community Platform

Referral Network

Here’s the breakdown

See full price list here

See what services are available to your state

View service map

Popular Questions

What care does FOLX provide?

At FOLX, we're all about taking care of you. 

Primary and preventative health care:
We’ve got you covered with whatever you need for wellness and preventative care for a range of issues from chronic conditions to general checkups. Get fast, convenient, stress free treatment when you are feeling under the weather. FOLX will help get you back on your feet.

Sexual and reproductive health care: Receive sexual and reproductive health care that centers the trans and queer experience. Care without judgment.

Gender affirming health care: Live as your most authentic self with holistic gender affirming care, because we know how important it is to feel at home in your own body.

Mental health care: Embrace queer joy and flourish with help from a dedicated team who are experts in mental health care, including therapy and medication management, so you can keep your mind as healthy as your body. Sign up today!

Does membership include the cost of appointments?

No, the membership does not cover the cost of appointments, medications, or labs. However, with our pricing model, you will only have to pay for those services when you need them and can use insurance to pay for them if you have it (paying your copay, coinsurance, or deductible payments).

Your FOLX membership does include access our concierge care team and a national referral network, our  Community Platform and peer-led support groups, as well as discounted expert-led support groups and letter writing services (for name changes), and partner discounts for surgeries, fertility services, and more.

Can I join FOLX if I don't have insurance?

Yes! You can join FOLX with or without insurance. If you do not have insurance, you can pay cash for services. However, we cannot accept members with Medicaid or Medicaid managed plans as we are not in-network with Medicaid. Check out our price list here.

Still have questions? Checkout the help center
We can't wait to
take care of you.