Welcome Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts members!

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts* is collaborating with FOLX Health, an independent company, to provide virtual primary care services for the LGBTQIA community. FOLX membership is available at no cost to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts members.**

FOLX is a healthcare provider and wellness platform for the LGBTQIA+ community. With a diverse network of LGBTQIA+ specialized providers, we ensure inclusive care for all members of the community. Experience healthcare that celebrates your identity and helps you meet your wellness goals.

Get Started

Here's how it works


Sign up for FOLX

Sign up for a FOLX membership - there is no cost for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts members.

Sign up Instructions


Have a visit

Book a visit with our expert clinicians, paying your regular co-pay or co-insurance.


Get your meds (if needed)

Get your meds shipped to your door or have them sent to the pharmacy of your choice.



Join our Community and stay in touch with your care team whenever you need via messaging.

The FOLX Difference

Our care is designed by and for the LGBTQIA+ community. FOLX membership provides you with more than traditional healthcare; it gives you access to LGBTQIA+ specialized clinical care, resources, referrals, and community connection, all online.

4 days
wait for appointments
members in our Community Platform, connecting and sharing resources
of our clinical team is part of the LGBTQIA+ community

FOLX Membership includes

End-to-end virtual care
Care navigation, referrals, and advocacy
Community Support

How quickly will my body change

While each and every body is different, these changes are...

Find more than care, find community

As a member, the FOLX Community Platform is your gateway to a supportive and safe space where you can access events, educational resources, and peer support groups.
Learn more
What everyone is saying...

We're more than just clinicians – we're part of the community.

We celebrate diversity, with over 1 in 3 of our clinicians identifying as transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, gender diverse, or two-spirit, and nearly 4 in 5 as bisexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, or queer.

Meet our clinicians

*Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. FOLX Health is an independent primary care provider and is not affiliated with Blue Cross Blue Shield.

**Currently available to residents of Massachusetts and select other states. FEP plans are currently not covered outside of MA.

Healthcare that's
queer all year.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. FOLX Health is an independent primary care provider and is not affiliated with Blue Cross Blue Shield.