Letter from the FOLX team
Dear community, It’s that time of year again! For some of us this is our season to hit the park / beach / parade in our festive finery and see those other queers working queer jobs / that fabulous stranger we’ve been meaning to talk to for years / all our exes. Some of us get to take our kids or cousins or students to their first Pride. And some of us are scared this year, or too tired, and we just want to hide a little until the rainbow bubble machines turn off.
We at FOLX Health know how much you are likely holding this year. We’re in Florida, in Texas, we’re refreshing the news to see which anti-LGBTQ bill has been passed this week. We're thinking about the election. We’re working long hours to try to ensure we can continue to provide the lifesaving care we all deserve. Our aim at FOLX has always been to fundamentally change healthcare for LGBTQIA+ people forever. Transforming healthcare is big work, more essential and risky than ever. We feel this as clinicians are targeted for providing gender-affirming care across the country. And so too is changing the culture. We saw this in the violent backlash against brands who’ve attempted to include queer and trans people in their marketing last year, and in the silence of certain big brands this year.
But we’re still here, still queer all year, and we’re only doubling down on our crucial mission.This past year we have expanded our services in a big way - as we continue to offer gender-affirming hormone therapy, sexual health services like PreP, ED meds, and STI testing, we’ve also been providing virtual primary care and mental health care and therapy. Hundreds of thousands of employees can now get FOLX for free with their employee benefits. And millions of people can access FOLX using their insurance, radically dropping the cost of your care through FOLX. We’ve also partnered with Point of Pride on the HRT Access Fund on grants that provide trans and nonbinary people a year of free gender-affirming care. So um, we’re tired!
But we’re also super energized this Pride. We love to see our community shine. We love to see the ways we care for each other, the ways we express our joy and our resilience in the face of it all. We gather our chosen families and lock arms as we continue forward, amidst grief and in celebration. This is our 2024 Pride Survival Guide. We hope you enjoy and share with your friends. We hope this Pride season you find many ways to take care of yourselves and moments to let others take care of you too.
Here and queer 365 days a year,
The FOLX Health Team

Taking Care of Your Mental Health and Well-Being
Set boundaries, take up space, and re-center. It may seem like everyone isout celebrating when you feel distraught about the international political landscape, or the hard thing going on in your life. Feeling your feelings is something to be proud of, and so is taking care of yourself in the best way you know how.
Quick self-care tips:
- Spend time with your loved ones, friends, or chosen family.
- Select Pride events that speak to you, for example, smaller more local gatherings for introverts.
- Set your expectations for you! You don’t have to be the Pride queen to foster community and connect with your gay pals.
- Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, whether that be through a morning or nightly ritual. A ritual is a great way to alleviate anxiety and can help guide you on days you feel low. Consider journaling, light yoga, guided meditation, meaningful self-care practices, and mindful movement to include in your practice.
Some FOLX Library Articles on Mental Health:
- 5 Ways FOLX Supports Your Mental Health
- How FOLX Can Help with Anxiety
- Depression Medications 101
- How to Find an LGBTQ-Friendly Therapist
- The FOLX Transgender Meditation Guide: How to Meditate When You Can’t Sit Still

Safer Sex is the Best Sex
How can you have safer sex during Pride month, when all the sexy queers come out to play?
Safe Sex Advice from a FOLX Clinician: “Safer sex is more than just condoms and having only one partner. It’s about taking steps that will lower the risk of STI transmission, while still being able to have fun, empowering, affirming sex.”
What safer sex can look like:
- Regular testing (and treatment when necessary!)
- Open and honest communication with sexual partners
- Daily PrEP
- Doxy PEP
- Barriers like gloves, dams, or condoms
- Using enough lube
FOLX Library Articles on Sexual Health:
- STIs 101: Symptoms and Testing Basics for LGBTQIA+ Folks
- What is PrEP? Prescription HIV Prevention 101
- What is Doxy-PEP and how does it prevent STIs?
- STI Guide for People on Testosterone HRT/GAHT
- Navigating Activities That Can Transmit HIV
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Care at FOLX

Safer Substance Use
Let’s first acknowledge that doing drugs is commonin large social gatherings like Pride. In some circles, it’s a part of the LGBTQ social fabric. But that doesn't mean it is always cozy, or safe. Thinking about how you want to engage with substances before they are in front of you can help you make the choices that are best for you. Uf you choose to use substances, here are some tips forusing more safely during Pride festivities.
Using Cannabis
Cannabis is a substance that many folks find helpful for anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, or just taking the edge off. But some folks find it increases their anxiety! Know yourself, and we also recommend you understand your state’s laws regarding marijuana use, so you can be prepared.
Using Hallucinogens
While hallucinogens like mushrooms are being decriminalized in many states, we wouldn’t necessarily recommend tripping hard during Pride. With large crowds, your likelihood of having a peaceful experience diminishes. But you do you! If you trip, we recommend having a buddy, and packing water, and some fruit or other easy snacks.
Using Poppers
Poppers are often used to relax muscles and enhance sexual experiences. Be aware of risks like chemical burns, headaches, blood pressure and heart rhythm changes, espcially if you’re medicated or mixing substances. This may seem obvious, but please do not drink poppers! It’s also best to use substances around people you trust.

Sobriety Resources
Many folks in our community abstain from drugs or alcohol, which can be more challenging during holidays like Pride. If you’re struggling with substance use, or just want a little extra help staying sober this Pride season, check out some of following queer-friendly resources.
- Queer Recovery Dharma
- AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)*
- NA (Narcotics Anonymous)*
- Monument: get help with drinking
- Tempest: get help with drinking
- FOLX Community Platform Sobriety Support groups
*Search for LGBTQ+ meetings

Staying Safe During Pride Gatherings
This Pride may feel different because of all the anti-trans and anti-LGBQ bills and the general political environment. You may not be able to change your state’s laws or policies immediately, but you can take steps to protect yourself during Pride season.
Dealing with anti-Pride protests:
- Make a safety plan. It’s always a great idea to plan where to meet up if you get separated from friends. Think of what other safety measures you might take, especially if you know there might be anti-Pride protesters.
- If you’re concerned you might feel too visible during or after Pride events, you can pack a change of clothes or some layers to throw on if you need them.
- If anti-Pride protesters get scary, calmly but swiftly find your people and head toa safer location. This might be inside a nearby business, further away from the main Pride events, or back at a friend’s house.
Safeguard yourself against potentially harmful people:
- Go with a group, or ask a friendly group of strangers if you can hang with them
- Watch your drink
- Avoid taking drugs from strangers
- Trust your gut
- Keep phone charged with location on
- Tell family and/or friends where you’ll be throughout the day
Make an exit plan: figure out how you’re going to leave an event. Know how to get to public transit, have a ride share app installed, pack money for a cab, or havea ride you can call.

Take your kids to Pride
Pride is often a family-friendly event. Check your local city or state pride group to find youth-LGBTQ events near you!
Family & Kid Friendly Pride Ideas:
- Queer family meetups
- Pride Parades
- Daytime dance parties
- Sign-making or crafting events
- Drag storytimes
- Check your local LGBTQ center, library, parks or museums for kid-friendly pride events.
- (Or get a sitter and party like you're kid-free for the night!)
FOLX Health is the first digital healthcare company designed by and for the LGBTQIA+ community. Our services include virtual primary care, gender-affirming hormone therapy including estrogen and testosterone (HRT), mental health care, sexual and reproductive health care, preventive care, and fertility consultations. FOLX memberships give you access to LGBTQIA+ expert clinicians, peer support, thousands of LGBTQIA+ resources, and more. Whether you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender non-conforming, or nonbinary, you can find LGBTQIA+-specialized health care that helps you meet your wellness goals. FOLX Health is health care that's queer all year. Get all the benefits of becoming a FOLX member and sign up today!